About the ARENA BRNO

The new multifunctional arena of the company Veletrhy Brno, a. s. (Brno Exhibition Centre - BEC) will provide the city of Brno with the largest and the most modern facilities for holding sporting, cultural and congressional events. The arena will hold as many as 13 000 people and an additional 1,300 parking spots will also be built.The construction of the arena ranks as one of Brno’s largest strategic projects and we are planning to start the construction of the hall itself started in September 2023. ARENA BRNO will be completed within the grounds of the BEC, right behind pavilion Z and between pavilions F and G1. First visitors will be welcomed after its completion in 2026.

Interconnected projects for a better Brno

The construction of such an expansive multifunctional arena is a large intervention to the city’s infrastructure. Thus it entails interconnected projects and investments. The actual area needs to be prepared ‒ demolish part of the surrounding structures, conduct surveys and build up the underground facilities. Currently, the issue of transportation also needs to be solved, as in the traffic of individual vehicles, public transportation, foot traffic as well as cyclists. Ensuring a sufficient number of parking spots for spectators is important for the fluid operation of the arena. Last but not least, the reconstruction of Bauerova Street is also a necessity.

Up to 13 000

30 000 m2
of raised seating

30 different
ways to use the arena

7 projects
for a better Brno

Arena model

  • 1.PP
  • mezipatro
  • 1.NP
  • 2.NP
  • 3.NP
  • 4.NP
  • 5.NP
  • 6.NP
